Welcome to the Band of Ruptured Quadders. Thank you Phil from the Knee Guru Forum for inspiring this title. I couldn’t think of a clever title. I figured I’d create a page dedicated to all the people who ruptured their quad tendons and also how they did it. If you would like me to feature your story, send me a message and I will add your info below. So here they are in no particular order:
Jamal Adams
In 2022, the Seahawks safety tore his quadriceps tendon. Adams felt something pop in his knee while blitzing Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson. He had surgery and underwent a long rehabilitation process before making his 2023 debut.

Tony Parker
In 2017, the former San Antonio Spurs point guard tore his quad tendon during the NBA playoffs. Parker had surgery two days after the injury and returned to play six and a half months later.

Ron Harris
Senior writer for Muscular Development magazine fully tore his right quadriceps on wet pavement while walking his dog. Click here for the full story.


IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Evan Centopani
On 2/9/17 another professional bodybuilder has succumbed to the dreaded QTR . Evan Centopani ruptured his quad as many have done before him and that was by slipping on slippery pavement. Read his full story here.

Calum von Moger
In April 2018 Instagram and YouTube sensation Calum von Moger ruptured his right quadriceps tendon while repelling off of a cliff in Sydney Australia.