I found this YouTube video the other day and I became very fascinated with it more so than others in the past. Fascinated because I have never heard of a bilateral patient having their surgery done on separate days. According to Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Schwartzberg “with both quadriceps tendons ruptured, we had to come up with a good strategy on how to repair them,” says Dr. Schwartzberg. “They both clearly needed to be fixed, but doing them both at once would have been a significant hardship on Rick. So we planned a staged setup, where we did these repairs ten days apart. They were both done as an outpatient procedure, and he did phenomenally well.”

I remember when I was about to have my bilateral surgery for both of my quads, I was never given the option to have my surgery staged on seperate days. In truth I am not sure I would want to as I would want to just be done with it. The one thing that comes to mind for having the surgeries on separate days is because of the nerve block. The anesthesiologist gave me a choice of which leg I want the nerve block for and I chose the left since it was a full rupture.  

If anyone one of my former readers or anyone currently reading this had their surgeries also staged I would really like to know about it. So drop me a line if that is the case and I appreciate you sharing the info with me. Until next time, stay safe and take care of yourselves during these crazy times