I just got word about YouTube and Instagram sensation Calum von Moger’s quad tendon rupture while repelling off a cliff near Red Leaf Beach in Sydney Australia. Upon looking at his Instagram account it looks to be his right quadriceps tendon. Now there are a lot of mixed reviews on him injuring his quad, but I just feel really bad for him since he tore his bicep tendon just a few months ago performing an unnecessary heavy dual bicep curl with Physique Bodybuilding champion Chris Bumstead.
Something looks very familiar here 🙂

Upon watching his video he looks to be in good spirits despite receiving such a terrible injury. Hopefully his attitude will remain positive which sometimes can be challenging to do. Anyone who has gone through this will be able to relate especially if you have gone through it more than once.
It looks like Calum is doing well after his 2 week post-up. Here is a recent picture from his Instagram account wearing the infamous brace. It’s good to see him in a positive mood as I know this isn’t easy for him (or for anybody for that matter suffering a QTR). Rest up Calum and all the best to your recovery.